Monday, September 17, 2012

Hollywood Heights

Hollywood Heights is awesome! It is my new favorite show. It started on June 18, 2012 and ends on October 5, 2012. There are 15 more episode and it's really sad because there might not be a season 2. A lot of people in the Hollywood Heights fandom tweet and share it with everybody and even signed a petition hoping to get a season 2. Cody Longo (Eddie Duran), Brittany Underwood (Loren Tate), Carlos Ponce (Max Duran), Jama Williamson (Nora Tate), and Melissa Ordway (Chloe Carter) are just a few members of the cast of Hollywood Heights. This show is about the big rockstar, Eddie Duran who has a songwriting contest and bonds with the winner, Loren Tate. Loren is just a girl from the valley, but her life changes after meeting Eddie Duran. Chloe Carter is Eddie's ex-fiance. She cheated on Eddie with Tyler Rorke. Chloe keeps making up excuses and ends up losing everything. Tyler tries to sabotage Chloe, but he truly loves her in his heart. Loren and Eddie are dating now, but so are their parents!!! Nora and Max end up dating, but Loren and Eddie don't mind. Eddie goes missing and everyone thinks he is dead, but the driver of the car in the accident was actually the guy at the gas station who stole his car! Please watch Hollywood Heights at 8PM EST on TeenNick. You'll get hooked on the show immediately, but hurry up! There's 3 weeks left...

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